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  • Call Us: 022 - 49742211 / +91 - 9405553337 / 9423234051
  • UG–306, D-Zone, Dreams Mall, LBS Road, Bhandup (W), Mumbai – 400078

Car Parking Systems

Car Parking Systems

We Create Value by Compacting Park Space, More Space, Less Traffic

Day by day and year by year the world`s population is increasing; while the land remains the fixed.  Change in lifestyle & necessarily the number of cars are on the increase, while our own living space shrinks and becomes ever more precious, there is only one logical solution to the growing lack of space in our homes, residential or commercial workplaces is to reduce parking space.

City populations are increasing, requirement for usable space is also increasing. So multi story buildings were planned. Similarly demand for car space has also gone up. In several cities, cost of land is much beyond the reach of individual car park or the cost involved in multilevel conventional parking.

Numerous research studies (by Transport Authorities and other Institutions) state that 30% to 50% of traffic congestion in city centers is generated by drivers searching for a parking space. A lack of sufficient parking is often due to the large space required in conventional parking’s; even multilevel parking takes more space in ramp,  concrete columns & structures;  large space in driveways for manual drive  & parking is necessary. So the ultimate solution is Multilevel Car parking. In this the most convenient is Automatic Multilevel Robot parking system.

Quality always was, is and remains for us on the top priority. Today, this means additional registration and certification according to the international standards.  We also have an efficient customer service with blanket coverage providing a fast service and affordable maintenance costs.

Credible is one of the fastest growing manufacturers and suppliers of car parking systems worldwide. Credible has been executing projects from concept to commissioning of parking systems with a dedicated and specialist teams.  We are specialize in Parking systems, Elevator & Escalators. We are also focused on Robotics and Automation System which gives a complete reliability to customers in the Automatic Car Park Industry. Our   company provides the most extensive product range worldwide. So go for credible compact parking solutions.

Our Range of Car Parking Systems Includes